Monthly Physical Therapy Tips: Optimize Recovery

Weekly Physical Therapy Tips: Optimize Recovery

Hello! Art of PT Sports Physical Therapy LLC is a private sports physical therapy practice that provides one on one treatment to combat athletes and gym lovers alike. We pride ourselves on providing individualized treatments provided by our Doctors of Physical Therapy. All sessions are with the Doctor of PT at all times. We are here to help with any aches or pains you have from your specific sport. Contact us with the link below for any questions you have!

Be sure to read our monthly mini blog below for all practical and quick rehab/physical therapy tips. We discuss all things sports medicine. Follow our Instagram for updates and all things sports physical therapy as well :)

And remember, life is about coming back stronger. Any pain or injury you have will fortify your mind and body to come back stronger!

Dr. Gerry Robles, PT, DPT

Founder, Art of PT Sports Physical Therapy LLC

This Month’s Mini Blog: “Master the Basics of Recovery”

Recovery is a big buzz word in the sports medicine and fitness industry these days. Red light therapy this….Hyperbaric chamber that…cold plunge etc etc. But what are the foundations of recovery? More specifically recovery from one workout to the next?

In my blog titled “4 Things I Mention to Every Patient” I discussed the basis of any recovery protocol. It’s not sexy but if you don’t emphasize these 4 areas, you’ll still feel like poop (yea poop). The 4 cornerstones of recovery are Sleep, Nutrition, Hydration and Stress management.

There are many studies indicating how poor sleep leads to all sorts of issues. Sleep is crucial for recovery, less than 7 hours has been cited in studies as having higher risks of injury. You want to make sure you get a consistent amount of 7-9 hours of sleep from workout to workout.

Nutrition is also crucial for recovery, it fuels you body and mind alike. If you aren’t eating enough protein/calories and an overall balanced diet, you will feel like poop after your workout. Talk to a sports nutritionist or dietician if needed to really level up you recovery with nutrition. But essentially you want to be eating enough protein and calories to be ready for you next workout or competition. We all know how to eat healthier these days, so do it.

Going along with nutrition is hydration. “Drink more water than you think you should” is something I tell most of my patients. Football players, boxers, MMA athletes and jiu jitsu competitors for example are the people I treat. Most of them need to drink more water especially after hard training or practice. A good way to maximize hydration is to add in some electrolytes, don’t overthink it. If you sweat buckets, buy an electrolyte powder and hopefully it’s tasty.

Lastly, is stress management. Stress, specifically mental stress also taxes your body. Stress is only good in appropriate doses. Exercise is stress for example helps build physical resilience when dosed correctly. Even tough mental tasks help you develop mental resilience. However, today’s society is very high stress and overbearing. There’s good evidence linking mental stress and the toll it takes on you, even higher instances of pain/injury. So do your best to slow down and breathe. Find ways to calm your mind and be present. I know it doesn’t sound “tough” or “hardcore” but the best athletes in the world have great mental game and stress reduction strategies. Maybe it’s meditation, journaling, yoga, breathing exercises or being more social with people you connect with. It all helps, pick some and stick to them. Find someone that can help if needed. It will work wonders on your recovery.

Notice how all these 4 areas blend into each other? Yes, they are basic but they are tried and true. You can’t out cold plunge a bad diet, poor sleep, low water intake or a super stressful job. Master and focus on these 4 and it will level up your recovery. I promise.

I didn’t even mention massage, weird ;)

If you want more detail on these 4 check out the blog link below.

Talk soon,

Dr. G

Founder, Art of PT Sports Physical Therapy LLC

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