The PT Handbook: Minimal Effective Dose

The Physical Therapy Pill

Welcome! The PT Handbook is a physical therapy newsletter discussing all things physical therapy/sports medicine. This newsletter is an extension of our philosophy at Art of PT Sports Physical Therapy LLC where our patient population includes combat athletes and gym lovers. We are a PT private practice that prides itself on providing true one on one service.

This handbook will provide practical PT tips and dive into hot topics surrounding the sports rehab world. If you have questions about the field of physical therapy or need to schedule an appointment (virtual/in person), contact us with the link below!

Dr. Gerry Robles PT, DPT

Founder, Art of PT Sports Physical Therapy LLC

PT Handbook Tips: Minimal Effective Dose

I work with many athletes (combat athletes, runners, football players, soccer players etc. etc.) in my private practice. And many times, they have trouble scaling back. In other words, they’re used to going “full steam ahead” at all times . It’s a gentle dance when recovering from an injury or having pain. It’s an art so to speak. It’s many conversations between the patient and therapist. Constantly adjusting the rehab program and modifying lifestyle habits. It’s not a magic pill but it works. I’ve seen it happen in front of me countless times.

But what if I told you that you don’t even need much prescribed movement/exercise? As I always say, we are the “doctors of movement and exercise.” We dose it according to what the patient in front of us is feeling. As I write this out, 2 studies in particular come to mind. They’re linked below. Essentially, both highlight just how LITTLE exercise/dosed movement per day someone needs to lower the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and even lowering the risk of dying from ANY CAUSE. This also applies to pain.

The first study below is a stronger study showing even just 11 mins a day has massive benefit . The second study essentially shows a similar conclusion of just how small of a dose we need to have a desired effect. I bring this up because many times the active population is used to going “all out” and are accustomed to their usual training volume/intensities. Even when they are in pain, it’s hard to modify their rigid ways and training systems.

Nonetheless, the point I’m trying to make is something is better than nothing. Even if the exercise isn’t as vigorous as you’d like or as long of a duration. Especially when dealing with an injury or pain. And this is our job, to dose exercise and movement accordingly. A little dose or just a pill of our prescribed movements decrease pain and improve function. Exercise helps with pain and also all these diseases the below studies show. So take the physical therapy pill, it’s extremely effective. Even at low doses. It’s not magic, but it’s fruitful if done consistently over a long period of time. Just like any positive human endeavor.

Talk soon,

Dr. Gerry Robles PT, DPT

Founder, Art of PT Sports Physical Therapy LLC